Summer Explosion is a FREE digital zine focusing on the romantic and platonic interactions between Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou and Uraraka Ochako. No profits will be made from the creation of this zine and it will be downloadable through google drive.
This zine will loosely follow the theme "Summer".
What does that mean?
Why just about anything you can associate with summer! Hiking, tree climbing and riding a bike! Camping, swimming, skydiving! Ice cream, snow cones, strawberry cheesecake! Summer festivals, summer break and these are just to name a few ideas! Let your imagination run wild, we want as wide of a variety as we can get!

May 5th - 11th // Guest Invites
May 25th - June 15th // Applications
June 17th - June 19th // E-Mails
July 8th // First Check-In
July 29th // Second Check-In
August 19th // Final Submissions
September // Zine Released

What is the focus of this zine?
Summer Explosion is a BakuKiriRaka zine that loosely follows the theme “Summer”. The zine will focus on both romantic and platonic interactions between Bakugou, Kirishima and Uraraka.
Is this a digital or physical zine?
This is a FREE digital zine! The zine is meant to bring together fans of these characters in a safe environment. There will be no physical or monetary compensation for participating.
What is the rating of this zine?
Fan works featured in the zine will range from general audiences to teens. There will be no explicit content in this zine.
What size will the zine be? Will templates be provided?
Templates will be available. The zine will be 6 inch x 9 inch portrait size (12 inch x 9 inch landscape) in 125 DPI.
How many artist and writers will be allowed in the zine?
There will be 5 guest artist, 2 guest writers, 25 - 40 artist from applications and 8 - 13 writers from applications.
What will be expected of accepted artist?
We have five different positions for artist: Cover Artist, Page Illustrators, Collaborators, Comic Artist and Merch Artist. Artist are allowed to create up to 3 pieces from any of these positions. They may also choose to complete only one piece.
What will be expected of accepted writers?
We have two different positions for writers: Solo Writers and Collaborators. Writers are allowed to create up to 2 stories between 1500 words - 5000 words. Writers will be allowed to create 2 solo stories, 2 collab stories or 1 of each. They may also choose to complete only one piece.
How many pages will comics have?
Comic artists are allowed to choose their own page counts. However, pages counts must only be 2 pages, 4 pages or 6 pages long. Odd numbered comics will create disorganization in the zine format.